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2 Jan

We Loaded The Boat Last Week, Here’s What I’m Looking For To Start January 2012


It’s official, we’re moving to Profiding in January!!! More on this Tuesday morning.

Almost 2-weeks ago I detailed in a 1-hour webinar why it’s important to bid solid small caps in late December and swing them into January. I also wrote about it here in a watch list. Then I proceeded to buy all 5 of those stocks, one of which I made 70% on and 4 of which are still in the portfolio along with some other possible winners.

http://www.jasonbondpicks.com/portfolio – this is still buggy so you might need to click on the portfolio link a few times to get it to load – works for me in FireFox.

Swing trading December into January often requires hold times a big longer than 10-days given the goals but if you can pick up a few winners they can turn into really big profits to start your year. Don’t be shocked if some of these take a week or 2 to develop but trust me when I say this is how you trade December into January.

This 20-minute video details exactly how it all played out and what I’m looking for stock by stock in January. The watch list will be pretty light this week because I’m almost 100% stock but I did save a little cash and will look to buy more of my existing positions as well as a few other choice plays until I’m 100% stock this week.


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