To watch in HD, first expand the video and then select 1080p in the settings below the chart.
[adzerk adTypes=”3731″ keywords=”jason-bond” utm_source=”wrbrbwad” utm_medium=”w” utm_campaign=”wadproductweb” utm_term=”JRDE” utm_content=”wwjbpnormhdis_jbp_header”]
[adzerk adTypes=”2733″ keywords=”jason-bond” utm_source=”wrbrbwad” utm_medium=”w” utm_campaign=”wadproductweb” utm_term=”JRDE” utm_content=”wwjbpnormfdis_jbp_footer”]
Nothing clickable on this page: BPAX Delivers 16% In 2 Days, Yet I Break Even, Here’s How
Likewise on page with all the videos. What is the trick?
You should see a video player John, maybe you don’t have Adobe Flash installed? Seems to work fine for me and others.